How Hearing Aids Can Help Your Child
Hearing aids can help your child hear. Hearing aids work by making sound louder (amplifying it). Hearing aids can be worn at any age. In fact, a child as young as 4 weeks old can be fit with hearing aids. Talk to your child’s audiologist about getting hearing aids for your child.
Hearing and your child’s development
Hearing plays a large role in your child’s development. How your child learns, speaks, and understands language depends on their ability to hear. That’s why it’s important to help your child make the most of the hearing that they have.
Hearing aids can help your child enjoy life more by improving his or her ability to hear. |
What hearing aids can do
Hearing aids can help your child:
Hear and understand speech better in many situations
Hear certain speech sounds more clearly
Better locate where sounds are coming from
Be more aware of sounds for safety reasons. An example is to hear a car coming.
Hearing aids help your child develop their language and speech skills. They also help make communicating and socializing easier. But what hearing aids can’t do is fully restore normal hearing. Keep in mind that your child may need to use other methods to hear and communicate. These can include assistive listening devices and lip reading (speech reading).
Paying for hearing aids
Public or government programs may cover the cost of hearing aids. For instance, Medicaid can give assistance to financially qualified families. If you are worried about how you will pay for your child’s hearing aids, talk to your child’s healthcare team. They can help point you in the right direction. Hearing aids should never be bought over the Internet or through mail order.
To learn more
Online resources you may find helpful include: